Reju Organics | Pet Skincare | Skin Care for Pets

Skin Care for Pets

Our pet line of products is a very safe formula that hydrates, soothes, and treats many different skin conditions for the furry members of our family! We use the finest medical grade 17+ (Unique Manuka Factor) of Manuka Honey which is unique exclusively for its medicinal properties one of which is the naturally occurring compound called methylglyoxal (MGO). MGO has been shown to be effective against a range of bacteria, including those that cause skin infections. It is the only food ever approved by the FDA as a medicine! This is a major breakthrough in the medical industry as medical professionals are now recognizing Manuka Honey is an alternative to conventional forms of medicine. Take a look at the different products we offer and if you have any questions feel free to contact us!

Manuka Honey Pet Skin Treatment

An All Natural and Organic Solution for Your Precious Pets

  • I remember putting this pet cream on our dog’s paws when they were so dry with cracks from walking in the snow. His paws healing rather quickly. So, when our dog received stiches and the wound was not closing, my wife and I decided to put Reju’Organics Pet Cream on his cut, then miraculously the next morning his wound closed up.

    Carl G. - Impressive to say the least!

    Sherry – January 30, 2022

    This dog shampoo really makes my dog’s hair very, very soft. Plus I don’t have to use much which saves me money! Extra perk!

    "The vast majority of causes of skin conditions in animals are attributed to: allergy, external parasites and adverse food reactions or hypersensitivity. These primary diseases often affect the integrity of the skin, paving the way of secondary causes of itch such as infections or dry skin."

    - Dr. Robert, DVM


    Katie Kitty was so Kute. I had to help her. I remember that my neighbor has cats, so I asked her what she would use. She recommended Reju'Organics Animal Skin Cream and that it was all natural and very safe. She was so kind and gave me the rest of her jar. She told me that it contained Manuka Honey, which can help heal many skin conditions. I decided to use it on my Kute Katie. I pretended that I was petting her when I applied the cream. It absorbed really quickly and she stopping pawing her wound. What a wonder. I could see the change rather quickly, the redness started going away and the smooth skin appeared, her fur started growing back and a happy kitty...would for sure recommend for minor case of mange....excellent treatment that works!


    These are before and after photos of my best friend, Geronimo. We have always believed in the natural way. Aponi

    In my 30+ years of helping animals I have tried many remedies, both prescription and over the counter for skin issues, but nothing can compare to the Reju'Organics Animal Skin Cream. The cream was absolutely amazing and I could actually see and feel instant results. I will recommend it to everyone I know for both human and canines. :)

    Thank you

    Kim L.

    My BABY, yes, her name is Baby. My colt cut her leg, thank you Lord it was not deep. I used Reju'Organics Skin Treatment on her front leg. The swelling went down extremely and I was amazed of what a great job it did of healing her leg. I applied a little bit of the cream everyday and the scar is going away gradually. She looks pretty again.


    I just wanted to tell you how much I love your product! I have used it on my best friend, Charlie, a German Shepard. It is AWESOME! We both healed very quickly and I could totally feel the analgesic quality in the skin treatment. I will certainly recommend to all my pet owner friends. Thanks for a great product.


    We purchased a few horses for our children to ride. The horses roam in a large pastures with tree, ponds and varying terrain. Horses being horses, we regularly have a variety of wounds to deal with.

    I purchased an 8 oz. jar of Reju'Organics Animal Skin Cream for animals last year. We have been using it on the horses over the past four months. We have used it on some minor cuts, insect bites and sunburns. I am very impressed with this product; we have seen excellent end results. One 3 yr. old colt had a small laceration that looked like he may have run into a nail protruding from the fence. The wound was washed once and the applied Reju'Organics Animal Cream twice a day. The wound healed quickly with no scarring, which is impressive.

    Reju'Organics Animal Cream has worked beautifully on their sunburned pink noses. We truly appreciate having a wound ointment that works so effectively and makes our jobs caring for the horses a little bit easier.


    Chad, Alabama

    This winter was a nightmare. Our horse's leg were raw, swollen and covered in lesions from a condition triggered by UV light called Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis. She had been prescribed steroids and various creams from the vets which were having a slow effect and caused dirt to stick to her legs which meant that frequent washing off was required. Washing made her more sore and irritated so it was a vicious circle. The treatments also created mountains of washing where the exercise bandages we use to keep the light away were getting smeared with cream.

    This nightmare all changed when we were offered a jar of Reju'Organics Skin Treatment. Literally within days we started to see dramatic changes! Her legs had previously been very fluid filled from box rest but the swelling was now reduced, the raw pink skin that she hated us touching started to calm down and the weeping lesions began to dry out. A few weeks later the surrounding skin was back to normal and the remaining lesions had shrunk in size and were flaking away. The cream absorbed rapidly, no stickiness, and it contains sunscreen. We did bandage her leg at nightly, which gave the healing process a boost.

    Five weeks on her legs are almost entirely recovered and having been stabled for four months while we tried to get this condition under control our mare is finally at the point that turn out will be possible again. I am so glad that we tried Reju'Organics Skin Treatment, as it has totally changed the way we deal with this time consuming condition. Our vet was amazed when she saw the results as she had previously told us that our horse's legs would be scarred for life!


    This skin treatment is awesome! My black lab developed a peeling, crusty, oozing skin around her eye that looked awful and made her itch. Ointments from the vet didn't work and we fought with it for 6 months when I saw Reju'Organics at the Pet Expo last spring. I thought we had nothing to loose, so I bought some and started to apply it twice a day. Within the first week the skin improved. After 2 -3 weeks, it was completely gone and it has never come back. I wish I had taken before and after pictures! I also used it on a red scaly patch on my arm and it went away after a couple of days. I am never without this cream. Thanks for this product.

    Amara, Florida

    My little rescue dog has very sensitive skin. We live out in a wooded area, so he's outs ide a lot. I use Reju'Organics Animal Cream constantly on his skin. I am relieved that I found a product that is all natural and organic and solves all of his skin conditions.

    Thanks, Kenny G.

    Awesome! My horse just injured his foot a week ago - he got a rope burn right over the bulbs, took all the hair off, too. I tried using other products to help it heal. But all the ointments that I was using did was give him a small case of scratches because his bulbs were kept so wet. I applied Reju'Organics Animal Cream to the burn. The scratches are gone. It didn't take long for the rope burn to heal, and it's SO much better. All the scabs flaked off, his hair is growing back, he doesn't fuss at it at all. Smiles!

    Hal A.

    Unbelievable! I have a rambunctious cat and her name is Candy. She gets into so many things. I came home one day and she had two cuts on her leg and she was also scratching. I immediately tried to clean her cuts and put on Reju'Organics Animal Cream, again. What I mean by again, is that when I first got her, she had a rash under her chin. I did some research on the internet and it turned out to be a slight case of acne. I also found a skin cream online that contains Manuka Honey, which I am very familiar with what Manuka Honey does. I bought the cream because it stops the itching, and it was for kitty acne, and it is easy to put on my little rambunctious cat. I found out that my cat was allergic to the food I was feeding her. This stuff does it all.


    I call Reju'Organics a miracle cream! Back in January of the horses at the barn that I work with started getting a mysterious skin issue on his shoulder/wither area. Initially I treated it as their vet instructed. First it was clean with peroxide or Vetericyn and an ointment from the vet. Then it was peroxide and scarlet oil. They put him on antibiotics for a week. Nothing helped. Then it was peroxide and Vaseline. More antibiotics. After weeks of trying everything, still nothing worked. Mid February - I had used a cream for animals at home for my dog and thought it might help my horse. I cleaned the area and applied Reju'Organics Animal Cream every day. Literally within days I saw changes. First the skin got flaky. Like a layer was coming off. The redness started going away and pigment started to return. The itchiness stopped. Little hairs started growing. Within 2 weeks hair was starting to grow in various spots. A few more weeks later he looked almost good as new. Now you can't ever tell really there was an issue at all. To this day we/nor vet have any idea what caused the issue. I've since started giving him some probiotic/supplements and he isn't having any other skin issues currently. I know Reju'Organics helped clear up the topical skin issue. Won't be without it now. Thank-you, Reju'Organics.


    Before and one week later


    My son has two roommates and each one came with two cute little packages. The one dog was abandoned and abused by his first owner. He only has one eye, so he is a little timid. One day I was over my son’s house and I noticed Kenny’s dog was dragging his tuch on the grass. I asked Kenny if there was something going on with his dog’s tuch? He said that his dog’s tuch was sore. I also asked him what he was putting on it? He told me that he tried a few things, but nothing was working. I gave him some Reju’Organics Skin Treatment to put on his dogs tuch. Later that day, Kenny called me and told me that his dog was feeling better and his dog is not scraping his tuch on the ground anymore. He was really excited and so was I. Kenny still keeps a jar of cream in his house.

    Judy G.


    My new husband and I went to at the Humane Society the other day and we came home with Bella, our “Little Bedlington Terrier”. She is beautiful. While we were bathing her, we noticed her private area was a red and inflamed. I rubbed a little bit of Reju’Organics Skin Treatment on her private area three times that day. It wasn’t bothering Bella, but it bothered us. The next day her private are was less red and the inflammation went down. I continued to use the cream for a few days and the redness and inflammation disappeared. We are very grateful to actually find an all-Natural and Organic Skin Treatment for our little Bella because we are All Natural People.

    Mr. and Mrs., Brazil


    Our cat “Kitty” came in one night and had contacted mange underneath her chin. She scratched all evening long until it was hairless and bloody. I called my friend, who is affiliated with the Animal Rescue Organization and asked her what should I do. She immediately came over with this Reju’Organic Skin Treatment and she used gloves to massage it on my cats chin. Kitty quit scratching immediately and within two days a big puff of white hair had grown out of the middle of her scab. I applied the Skin Treatment a few more days and her beautiful white hair has completely grown back within a week and a half. My friend was right, this is a miracle cream that really acts like an Antibiotic! I have told all my friends about it. You cannot beat it! Thank-you for making this all Natural and Organic Skin Treatment! You have a customer for Life!

    Debra P.

    My Beautiful Black Lab

    This skin treatment is awesome! My black lab developed a peeling, crusty, oozing skin around her eye that looked awful and made her itch. Ointments from the vet didn’t work and we fought with it for 6 months when I saw Reju’Organics at the Pet Expo last spring. I thought we had nothing to loose, so I bought some and started to apply it twice a day. Within the first week the skin improved. After 2 -3 weeks, it was completely gone and it has never come back. I wish I had taken before and after pictures! I also used it on a red scaly patch on my arm and it went away after a couple of days. I am never without this cream. Thanks for this product. Rebecca

    My Precious Rescue Dog

    My little rescue dog has very sensitive skin and ended up with only one eye. You can imagine what he went through. We live out in a wooded area, so he’s out side a lot. I use Reju’Organics Skin Treatment constantly on his skin. I am relieved that I found a product that is all natural and organic and solves all of his skin conditions. Amara, FL


    I call Reju’Organics a miracle cream! Back in January of the horses at the barn that I work with started getting a mysterious skin issue on his shoulder/wither area. Initially I treated it as their vet instructed. First it was clean with peroxide or Vetericyn and an ointment from the vet. Then it was peroxide and scarlet oil. They put him on antibiotics for a week. Nothering helped. Then it was peroxide and Vaseline. More antibiotics. After weeks of trying everything, still nothing worked. Mid February – I had used Reju’Organics Skin Treatment at home for my dog and thought it might help my horse. I talked to the company and they said it should help. I stopped all other products. I cleaned the area and applied Reju’Organics Skin Treatment everyday. Literally within days I saw changes. First the skin got flaky. Like a layer was coming off. The redness started going away and pigment started to return. The itchiness stopped. Little hairs started growing. Within 2 weeks hair was starting to grow in various spots. A few more weeks later he looked almost good as new. Now you can’t ever tell really there was an issue at all. To this day we/nor vet have any idea what caused the issue. I’ve since started giving him some probiotic/supplements and he isn’t having any other skin issues currently. I know Reju’Organics helped clear up the topical skin issue. Won’t be without it now. Thank-you, Reju’Organics.

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Sharon – January 30, 2022

    The dog shampoo left his hair so soft and even helped with a little rAsh on his skin. The smell is suttle.

    zoritoler imol – April 12, 2022

    I didn’t realize that the Shampoo at the groomers was given my Poodle’s rashes. I thought it was her dog food. I gave the groomer a small sample of the Manuka Honey Dog Wash and the Conditioner to use on our Poodle and the rashes cleared up promptly. Guess what – now the groomer uses Reju’Organics Dog Wash and Conditioner. I think that impressive. Everybody loves the smell and how soft their dogs’ coats are.

    Ms. Z.

    zoritoler imol – April 13, 2022

    Our Ralphy gets into so much trouble wandering around our land chasing all kinds of kritters and traveling in and out of the pond. He gets scrapes, cuts, bites and he stinks to high heaven at the end of the day, everyday! We like that the Dog Shampoo because it contains Manuka Honey to help prevent any possibility of infections. You only need a little. We did purchase the Pet Skin Treatment cause it can be used for just about everything. I wonder if this Dog Shampoo can be used for skunk attacks?

    Baridon – September 30, 2022

    Harry my dog really likes this cream. It really helped Harry stopped his itching, plus I love that it’s all natural and organic! It?¦s really a nice and helpful piece of information. I am happy that you shared this useful info with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Judy – September 13, 2022

    By Christmas time, my lovely Chihuahua, Candy, has such dry paws from the weather as well as her little nose. I don’t want to apply a chemically made product on my Candy. Our family is very healthy and eats only organic food. Our groomer suggested Reju’Organics cream because he knows our lifestyle. Candy loves it and she did not yelp when I applied the cream and also it is not greasy. Now I can use it for the summertime. Stupendous!

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Vincent grupido – September 23, 2022

    My dog had dry itchy skin in a lotta other issues with his skin. About 2 years ago my girlfriend was using this Minooka honey creams stuff for her face and she notice that they had a cream for dogs so we ordered it. Tried it. It is the badest cream ever.

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Sherry – January 30, 2022

    I take my dog for a lot of walks but I noticed his paws were getting pretty dry and rough. I started using this product on his paws and believe me it really helps.

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Sharon – January 30, 2022

    My little barker went hunting with his dad and his dad Carried him home. Our barker was so cut up and scraped up , I felt so sad for him, After we cleaned his wounds. We put the cream on and it seemed to soothe him. The next day I could actually see some action going on. The wounds looked much better.

    Rated 4 out of 5

    Rumpedo – April 8, 2022

    During the summer only, my grey hound gets this small rash on his tush. I wonder if it is the fertilizer. The pet treatment gets rid of it.

    zoritoler imol – April 10, 2022

    Howdy, I get so mad at my poor dog skin. It seems he gets this rash so often. I have tried so many products that nothing works. So now I am in all in using the Pet Skin Treatment and Dog Shampoo because your products work. Period I am very much appreciated.

    Katie Kitty was so Kute. I had to help her. I remember that my neighbor has cats, so I asked her what she would use. She recommended Reju’Organics Pet Skin Treatment and that it was all natural and very safe. She was so kind and gave me the rest of her jar. She told me that it contained Manuka Honey, which can help heal many skin conditions. I decided to use it on my Kute Katie. I pretended that I was petting her when I applied the cream. It absorbed really quickly and she stopping pawing her wound. What a wonder. I could see the change rather quickly, the redness started going away and the smooth skin appeared, her fur started growing back and a happy kitty…would for sure recommend for minor case of mange….excellent treatment that works! Corona

    By Christmas time, my lovely Chihuahua, Candy, has such dry paws from the weather as well as her little nose. I don't want to apply a chemically made product on my Candy. Our family is very healthy and eats only organic food. Our groomer suggested Reju'Organics cream because he knows our lifestyle. Candy loves it and she did not yelp when I applied the cream and also it is not greasy. Now I can use it for the summertime. Stupendous!

    My little rescue dog has very sensitive skin and now he has one eye. You can just imagine what my poor baby went through. I have used Reju’Organics Pet Skin Treatment from the beginning and I constantly on his skin. We live out in a wooded area, so he’s out side a lot. I am relieved that I found a product that is all natural and organic and solves all of his skin conditions. Amanda, Florida

    This skin treatment is awesome! My black lab developed a peeling, crusty, oozing skin around her eye that looked awful and made her itch. Ointments from the vet didn’t work and we fought with it for 6 months when I saw Reju’Organics at the Pet Expo last spring. I thought we had nothing to loose, so I bought some and started to apply it twice a day. Within the first week the skin improved. After 2 -3 weeks, it was completely gone and it has never come back. I wish I had taken before and after pictures! I also used it on a red scaly patch on my arm and it went away after a couple of days. I am never without this cream. Thanks for this product. Tom

    My little pooch, that is his name, has been dragging his tush lately. Its red, and so irritated and I feel for him. You definitely have to try this cream. Just after 2 days he stopped dragging his tush all around. It is still is a little red but at least I know the itching and irritation is going away. Great Job RejuOrganics. We bow down to you! Lol

    My little pooch, that is his name, has been dragging his tush lately. Its red, and so irritated and I feel for him. You definitely have to try this cream. Just after 2 days he stopped dragging his tush all around. It is still is a little red but at least I know the itching and irritation is going away. Great Job RejuOrganics. We bow down to you! Lol

These are pictures of our dog Sammi
He had lacerated his elbow down to the ligaments
Vet talked about even possible amputation. We insisted he apply Manuka Honey everyday for 10 days. The first picture is the original injury and I am sparing all of you really how bad it was on the other side. The second picture is after 10 days with only the Reju’Organics Manuka Honey Cream. He now has absolutely no scaring at all!! . 


On June 16th we donated Reju’Organics to Scouts Honor Resque for Sabine. She had been tied to a tree in an area that was expected to flood! She was suf...fering from a severe case of mange as well as secondary skin infections that had left painful, itchy bald spots all over her body. We just received this picture and an update only 13 days later!!
Scout's Honor Rescue, Inc.: Thank you Reju’Organics!  Your cream was invaluable to this amazing healing. Her foster cannot believe what great stuff is in that little tub. Amazing product!!!! This is what lots of love, care and gratefully our Skin Treatment for Pets can do! Amy K.

Our Skincare Line for Pets

Our products help heal and prevent the following

  • Mange

  • Minor cuts, scrapes, abrasions

  • Reduces scar tissue

  • Sunburns

  • Itchy skin, Rashes, Dermatitis

  • Dry skin, dry noses, and cracked paws

  • Hot spots

  • Promotes hair regrowth, kitty acne

  • Insect bites

  • POST medicinal skin treatment therapy for rain rot, minor girth itch, folliculitis, aural plaques, and sweet itch

Primary Ingredients

Manuka Honey

Manuka Honey is a powerful honey that New Zealand. It has more healing properties than antibiotics. Research has shown Manuka Honey is unique exclusively for its medicinal properties one of which is the naturally occurring compound called methygloyzl. Influence all phases of wound healing.

UMF Manuka Honey with both the natural enzymatic process that gives it its antiseptic qualities and antibacterial properties, plus its own natural UMF antibacterial property, giving it increased antibacterial potency. When applied topically, it assists the natural healing of skin ulcers, wounds, burns, boils, cracked skin, and MRSA.

— American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association


  • Calms Inflammation

  • Stops the Itching

  • Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Microbial, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Viral

  • Anti-Allergenic

  • Powerful Humectants which are moisture magnets

  • Proliferation 20X Faster (Rapid Reproduction of cells and remodeling)

Aloe Barbadensis Miller

Of the 240+ species of Aloe, only four are recognized as being nutritional value to humans and animals. Aloe Barbadensis Miller is considered the finest medical-grade Aloe Vera. Our Aloe Vera contains over 20 minerals and Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. Aloe Vera has been shown to have many of the same healing benefits of Steroids without the side effects.

Our first ingredient is Aloe Vera Barbadensis which is 1 of 4 out of 240 different species of Aloe, growing mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Of the 240+ species of Aloe, only four are recognized to have a therapeutic and nutritional value to humans and animals. Aloe Barbadensis Miller is considered the finest Aloe Vera with the advantage of the absorbency level of 7 Layers deep.

  • Anti-Inflammatory

  • Excellent Moisturizer

  • Anti-Bacterial

Scientific literature supports the antibacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal effects of these and other substances in Aloe Vera. A.D. Klein & N. S. Penneys, Journal of American Academy of Dermatology.

Aloe effectively stimulates proteolytic enzyme action in skin tissue, stimulating fibroblast cells that can manufacture collagen and have a smoothing effect. The herb can be an effective humectant, increasing water retention in the skin.

Botanical Cehami

Cehami is a botanical extract from an Australian flower, commonly known as Old Man Weed. Extensive independent medical research confirmed that Cehami plant extract is one of the most effective anti-inflammatories, is anti-microbial, and has proven to increase cellular regeneration by up to 50%. It is scientifically proven to contain unprecedented skin renewal, hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties for healthier skin. Cehami is a powerful humectant. It’s like a moisture magnet, literally pulling moisture molecules out of the air, stuffing them into the skin cells, and sealing the cell so the moisture does not escape.

Reju Organics | Manuka Honey Skin Care | Best Pet Friendly Skin Care

Skin conditions for dogs

When it comes to dogs, the most common skin conditions can be relieved or treated with our products. Our products are most effective for: Hotspots, Superficial bacterial folliculitis, Shedding and Hair loss, Mange, Allergic Dermatitis Mange, and Flea bites.


  1. Trim around affected, do not shave.

  2. Clean the area and rinse well.

  3. Apply Reju’Organics Pet Skin Treatment to affected areas, massaging into skin until fully absorbed.

  4. Apply twice daily or as needed.

  5. If you can, cover the area when using Manuka Honey.

For deep wounds, cuts, or severe skin conditions, we would advise you to apply pure Manuka Honey 17+ first. If possible, try to cover the area to prevent licking and to help the healing process until the skin condition is not as deep. Then massage Reju’Organics Pet Skin Treatment thereafter.

*Contact your Veterinarian if the condition persists and to determine the specific skin condition your pet is facing.*

Natural and Organic Skincare | Reju Organics | Best local Skincare company

Skin conditions for cats

Cats are susceptible to skin infections, parasites, allergies, and many other conditions commonly seen in people. Reju’Organics products contain no water, mineral oil, petroleum products, alcohol, animal products, fragrance or preservatives. Our products are effective for: Feline Acne, Bacterial Infection, Post Yeast Infection, Post Ringworm, Allergic Dermatitis, Flea bites, Apolecia shedding, and hair loss.


  1. Trim around affected, do not shave.

  2. Clean the area and rinse well.

  3. Apply Reju’Organics Pet Skin Treatment to affected areas, massaging into skin until fully absorbed.

  4. Apply twice daily or as needed.

  5. If you can, cover the area when using Manuka Honey.

For deep wounds, cuts, or severe skin conditions, we would advise you to apply pure Manuka Honey 17+ first. If possible, try to cover the area to prevent licking and to help the healing process until the skin condition is not as deep. Then massage Reju’Organics Pet Skin Treatment thereafter.

*Contact your Veterinarian if the condition persists and to determine the specific skin condition your pet is facing.*

Best Pet Friendly Organic Healthcare | Reju Organics | Healthcare for Pets

Skin conditions for horses

Skin diseases in horses are prevalent throughout the year, although some may be seasonal. They may be due to infectious agents (e.g., bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) or environmental irritants. Once the integrity of a horse’s skin is compromised, it is not only the site of the irritation that’s a problem but the general health of the horse since the immune barrier has been breached.

Many horse skin diseases are centered around reactions to insects and allergies, but other skin diseases can be caused by excessive sunlight and moisture, but all skin conditions should be treated as soon as possible.


  1. Always test a small area.

  2. If needed, trim around the affected area, do not shave.

  3. Clean the area and rinse well.

  4. For Deep Wounds, Mange, Rain Rot, Hives, Sweet Itch, apply pure Manuka Honey first to the affected area twice a day. If possible, try to cover the area. Apply twice daily.

  5. Apply Reju’Organics Pet Skin Treatment to affected areas, massaging into skin until fully absorbed.  Apply 2 -3 times daily.

For deep wounds or cuts, we would advise you to visit your Veterinarian until the wound or cut is not as deep. Then use Reju’Organics Pet Skin Treatment thereafter.

*Contact your Veterinarian if the condition persists and to determine the specific skin condition your pet is facing.*


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